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Free Windows 8 Start Menu

In Microsoft's show of infinite wisdom they decided to remove our much beloved Start menu which has been our daily companion for the last 20 odd years. The reason given is that its hard to use in a touch screen computer, but if like most you don't have touch screen or you prefer to use a mouse then this is for you.... a series of third party developers have come to our aid and developed third party start menu's which will return this glorious feature back to our computers. Below is a list of these apps:

Slow Windows?

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Recovery Environment?

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Need Service Packs?

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There are two very good pieces of software available for Free, they are:

Classic_Shell or Pokki

Classic Shell

Classic shell is the first, it is open source and free to download from here. It is by far the best example going and it is free, but be careful installing as it will also install classic IE and classic explorer, features you may not want.

Default settings will mean you will boot straight to the desktop.

Download classic shell here

The three menu looks are pictured below:

Click on images to enlarge, colour variations will be according to your desktop selection.

There are many options within this software, and that includes being able to customise the start buttom



Now alternative which actually allows you to add widgets to the start menu. By default Pokki will boot your Windows 8 straight to desktop. I nice utility for those looking something different.

Download Pokki from here












 Tags: Windows 8 Start Menu, start menu, 8 start menu, win8 start menu, add start menu to windows 8